How to Become a PRO Grill Master

How to Become a perfect grill master

Grilling is not just the cooking, it’s an art, a passion and a way to unforgettable flavors and experiences. Whether, you are a seasoned grill enthusiast or just starting your journey, mastering the grill requires a lot of skills, patience, and passion.

In this guide, I will teach you the essential techniques, tips and tricks, you will need to understand the grilling game and become an expert grill master.

Get the prop­er Grilling tools

Grilling Tools

To become a PRO grilling master, you will need the essential set of tools to handle the grilling process easily with precision.

Here is the essential grilling tools list:

  • Grill Brush (Grill brush is essential to clean the grill before and after cooking)
  • Tongs (Look for tongs with good grip on handle to flip and turn food on grill)
  • Spatula (A wide spatula is perfect for spreading, mixing soft substance and flipping soft food on grill)
  • Grill Fork (It is ideal for piercing and moving larger cuts of meat such as chickens or roasts on grill)
  • Meat Thermometer (Invest in reliable meat thermometer if you want your meat to cooked in perfection)
  • Grill Gloves
  • Basting Brush (For adding flavour or moisture to your grilled creations. Choose a brush with heat resistant bristles which can bare high temprature and easy to clean)
  • Grill Basket (It keeps the food contained when grilling smaller or delicate food vegerables, seafood or sliced fruits)
  • Chimney Starter (Chimney starter is perfect if you are using charcoal grill. It helps to lighting the grill faster without lighter fluid)
  • Grill Cover (Protect you grill and enhances the life span of grill. Make sure it should be made from weather resistant material)

With above essential grilling tools, I am sure, you will tackle any grilling challenge and can take your skills to next level to becoming a perfect grilling master.

Mar­i­nades and rubs

Mar­i­nades are ex­cel­lent for skin­less chick­en breasts, fish, or pork. Dry rubs, on the oth­er hand, are the fin­est way to en­sure crispy skin on a bird or that won­der­ful crunchy crust on the out­side of a grilled steak when grill­ing a steak or skin-on chick­en.

Marinades are ideal for tougher cuts of meat, as they tenderize while adding flavor. They can also be used for vegetables, tofu, and even some fruits.


When grill­ing poul­try, sea­son gen­er­ous­ly with salt at least 4 hours be­fore cook­ing time and up to 24 hours pri­or. This will im­part fla­vor through­out the meat and pre­vent it from dry­ing out dur­ing cook­ing.


Sea­son veg­e­ta­bles thor­ough­ly and cov­er with oil be­fore grill­ing to pre­vent them from burn­ing. Make sure the veg­e­ta­bles are large enough so that they do not fall through the grates. Cook­ing smaller veg­e­ta­bles on the grill in a cast iron skil­let is also a fan­tastic alternative for veggies.

Pre­heat the grill to en­sure an even, con­sist­ent tem­per­a­ture and that the grate is hot enough to sear the meat and keep it from stick­ing. It’s also a good idea to rub oil on the grill grates short­ly be­fore you start grill­ing.

Heat Zones

Wheth­er you’re cook­ing over coals, gas, or a fire, you’ll want to use di­rect (im­me­di­ate­ly over the heat source) and in­di­rect (right out­side the heat source) zones. This al­lows you to sear your meats or veg­e­ta­bles while also cook­ing some things at a low­er, more con­sist­ent tem­per­a­ture.

Keep it Cov­ered

As much as pos­si­ble, keep the lid cov­ered while grill­ing to en­sure that the coals stay hot and that the smokey taste is passed onto what­ev­er you’re cook­ing. Also, if you’re us­ing a char­coal grill, make sure the vents on the top and bot­tom are open to al­low ad­e­quate air flow to keep the fire burn­ing hot.

Check­ing the Tem­per­a­ture

Ther­mom­e­ters with in­stant read capabilities are the most ac­cu­rate way to en­sure that your food is cooked to a safe tem­per­a­ture with­out be­ing over­cooked and dry. In­ves­ti­gate the prop­er in­ter­nal tem­per­a­ture be­fore grill­ing and keep check­ing it dur­ing the cook­ing process to en­sure that it is reached.

Give it time to rest!

Grilled meat should be rested for 10-15 min­utes be­fore serv­ing. This will make the meat juic­i­er and more de­li­cious.

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